Age is just a number and aging is a huge opportunity!
It’s been said that we are only as old and we feel. This sweet Chinese grandpa and his granddaughters video is a heartwarming example 🙂 This first version is what I assume is the original Chinese. Someone had dubbed in Stayin’ Alive and that’s fun too 🙂
And I’ve been waiting for a chance to offer this amazing set of inspiring elder images, and here you have ’em! Whadda’ say? Whooppeee, eh? !!! 🙂
On another, also inspiring note, I’d like to share a book that my women’s group read recently: The Grace of Aging: Awaken As You Grow Older, by Kathleen Dowling Singh. At first I was interested, then annoyed, then, as I let the words, the reality and inevitability of ageing, death and dying, and stopped resisting my own personal experience of the losses, I was grateful for SIngh’s rich offerings, and the depth and breadth with which she outlines how we struggle to maintain our egos, our structures, our facades, and how grace can come to our aid, and what grace it is to move into acceptance and letting go. I leave you with a review that I found captures the essence of the book. Age is just a number and full of richness indeed.
“Eventually, as we continue to engage these last years for spiritual practice, we come to see that every moment, every interaction, every circumstance arises from the ground of being. Every moment is one of the places where our feet make contact with the noble path.”
Check it out. I’d love to hear your response!
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, and growth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Follow me on Twitter, let’s be friends on Facebook