Posts tagged "joy"
Savouring Ceremony: Celebrating the Dark Days

Savouring Ceremony: Celebrating the Dark Days

Savouring Ceremony: Celebrating the Dark Days. Once again the turning of the wheel of the year has brought us close to the darkest days of the year.  These days can be times for quiet and reflection, but also of rebirth and renewal.  This short days invite us inward, but also herald the return of the...
Moving From Joy to Joy to Joy Lifts Me Up

Moving From Joy to Joy to Joy Lifts Me Up

After several days of deluging rain, the sun and blue sky and pink clouds have returned and I notice that moving from Joy to Joy to Joy lifts me up.  This phrase came alive for me recently when my partner read me From Blossoms,  by Li-Young Lee.   It put me in mind of the time Mike and...
Finding Joy in the Ordinary is Magical

Finding Joy in the Ordinary is Magical

“Finding joy in the ordinary is magical” is actually an understatement. I am an Enneagram Type 7 and a curse of this Type is to always be looking for something better, something higher, something bigger… something new, greener, or more exciting…. This drivenness, leading to lots of future focus and endless planning, comes from the old belief...
Sprinkle Joy Whenever You Can, Inside and Out

Sprinkle Joy Whenever You Can, Inside and Out

 “Sprinkle joy whenever you can, inside and out.”  I love the word sprinkle…it evokes summer days in Oklahoma, playing and cooling ourselves in the garden sprinkler, the pleasure, the carefree delight, the ease, the lightness.   Joy and delight, enthusiasm and lightheartedness are good for our health, our immune systems, and have trickle down benefits for...
Reading Aloud Together

Reading Aloud Together

Some time ago Mike and I started reading aloud together.  Our lives and interests, as we’ve aged, had changed significantly and sufficiently that it seemed wise to see what new ways we could find to connect, to share time and space.  Reading aloud together has become one of the new activities we share, and it...