It was a big day — satisfying, and good fun — but more than that as well. We lucked out (as did all the many other participants and scads of organizers and volunteers involved): even though showers and thunderstorms had been predicted, not a drop of rain fell on the 30th annual UBC Triathlon-Duathlon. It was chilly, but not having any precipitation made the event a lot more pleasurable!
I’ve never done a group event like this, and certainly wasn’t planning to until a fellow paddler on my kayak trip last year, Jill Josselyn, who’s a formidable athlete, and was surprised to learn I was about to turn 70, suggested that I should consider doing a short triathlon as a way usher in my 8th decade! She suggested I might ‘clean up in my age class’!
But let me back up a little. Why am I telling you about this? A couple of chapters in BECOMING tie in, and made the event more than just a physical challenge: Use It or Lose It, which addresses Motivation; Flow, which is about Presence in action, and The Face, which is about authentic contact. All were available during the event, and helped make it rich and rewarding. Here’s what I mean.
It was awesome to see that one fellow, also in the 70-98 age category, did half again what we took just over 2 hours to complete, in one and a half hours. Now there’s a fit fellow! And then there was one keener who had done the Sprint event in the morning, and the full Olympic event in the afternoon!
We packed up our bikes, came home for a bath with Epsom salts, and later went out for dinner at a local restaurant that gives a 50% discount to seniors, 24/7. The joys of growing older 🙂
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Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self -reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, and growth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Your feedback is most welcome.