Joy and Discovery!
Joy and Discovery! What a combination, eh? I am about to take off on my annual bike trip with my daughter. It will be our 5th, and the weather looks good. For the first time, we will leave the rain gear behind, and this year we are hoping that the heat doesn’t sideline us! I’m...

Line Dancing
Recently I have felt the push-pull of the good news-bad news that surrounds us, and can easily drop into overwhelm… It seems to me kinda like walking a tight rope: I want to be careful not to fall into the slough of despair and despond on the one side, as I feel into all the scary and alarming...

Stunning Vistas and Serious Hills
“Ain’t no use hurryin’ if you’re on the wrong road.” Satchel Page Day 2: LaConner to Juniper Lane, Friday Harbor In the morning, after overnight drizzle, we set off for Friday Harbor on San Juan Island after hostess Cindy’s fresh fruit, scones, sausages, and individual cheese souffles. The sun came out as we pedaled away (after...

Resilience: Now and How?
Just got back from a delicious couple of weeks with my kids and grandkids in Austria. I’m feeling deep gratitude for our good connections, the fun we have together, the range of activities and values we share, our yummy meals, the close connection between my kids and the four cousins. In addition to this ground...

Companionship of a Long Distance Cycle :-)
The week long cycle with my daughter, on the Galloping Goose Trail, and several of the Gulf Islands was such a treasure of an experience that I want to share some of it with you. Musing on a title for the post, I remembered the book, The Loneliness of a Long Distance Runner, and thought that our...