Treasure Trove is the title of one of the chapters in BECOMING, and also an apt description of my recent trip to Hawaii. The Dalai Lama’s quote, “Let us try to recognize the precious nature of each day,” is not hard to implement under such circumstances: perfect weather, sweet family connections, luxurious tropical fruit, exciting adventures…
Highlights included swimming with, and gazing at the stunningly beautiful tropical fish, and then, the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle. It’s as though she didn’t know she was endangered, the way she was unperturbed by children scrambling around her, the sun bathers or large numbers of snorkelers. But if we were not extraordinary to her, she certainly was wondrous for us.
And then there were the great manta rays, who swooped up right under us, inches from our chest, on the night outing, where they have been awing tourists and locals alike for decades.
The sunsets were poetical, and we paused, took a time out in the preparation of our supper to watch the crimson ball set behind the trees, into the azure ocean.
We immersed ourselves in tropical glory at the Botanical Garden (“A Garden in a Valley on the Ocean”, on Onomea Bay, created for the enjoyment of all by a dedicated couple). Click the arrow and you can experience the sights and sounds of the ocean seen through the verdant foliage, and be there with us :-).
But here’s the rub, and herein lies the relevance for us all, each day, every day. Does it have to be something extraordinary that jolts us into our fullest? An interesting question, and one we explore in Treasure Trove — the chapter.
Does it have to be a manta ray, a spectacular plant, a moon rise over the palm trees, or a crimson glowing sunset? Can’t I just as well allow my heart to be opened, and come fully, deeply alive, by meeting the smile on a stranger’s face, a brisk walk, or the tang of an apple on my tongue?
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self -reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, and growth. Check out a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Your feedback is most welcome.