Earth Day Is Every Day! It’s fine to have a special day to celebrate our one and only home, Planet Earth. It’s even more important that we celebrate, protect, honour and pay attention to her not just on this one, but every day! It does seem, praise be, that this awareness is growing and expanding to the truth that Every Day is Earth Day.
Apropos Paying Attention: Have a look at this provocative article, from Aeon: Attention is not a resource but a way of being alive to the world. “We are growing in information, while starving for wisdom,” wrote E. O. Wilson.
What are we paying attention to as our days unfold, as spring explodes around us? Is it our smartphones, or the birds and the clouds? Is it our aches and pains, or the new green of the buds bursting, the miracle of life and light returning? The ToDo Institute offers regular courses on Working with your Attention. You might enjoy this short video that puts ourselves, our “Ego I”, into a broader perspective and helps us grok that where we put our attention affects not only our own wellbeing, but most certainly the health of the planet.

It’s actually true that our happiness is a direct function of where we put our attention. What a concept!
Today, and every day, let’s commit to celebrating, noticing, honouring, not just what is in and around the “Ego I”, but also, and in greater measure, this incredible planet, its wonders, its vibrant life, and, now, the miracle of spring time.

Waking up to the world around us helps us to remember that Earth Day is Every Day!
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, andgrowth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Follow me on Twitter, let’s be friends on Facebook.