Good vibrations. That was the title of the Daily Om recently, and that’s what I felt on our 7th annual mother-daughter bike trip, in the rolling, rich, redolent Willamette Valley south of Portland Oregon.
Good vibrations: between my daughter and me; riding along the Scenic bike route through the valley; sharing scrumptious meals together, whether in a restaurant or picnicking together in a park or alongside the river; taking a nap and watching the Cliff and Barn swallows sweep and swoop feeding their young in the rafters of the Champoeg State Park Visitor Center itself a source of good vibrations.
And good vibrations are good for us, for our bodies, minds and hearts, for our immune systems, for our families, for our communities and the planet! “Good vibrations inspire health, happiness, and optimism. When we are tuned in to good vibrations, our bodies heal, our hearts open, and our minds shift toward the light. We see new possibilities and feel powerfully energized to follow our inner visions….”
My daughter, Lisl, and I are seasoned travel companions…we’ve shared not only on our 6 previous bike trips, but many family vacations as well. We have the same rhythms, we like the same food – spicy Thai being one! We sort out any misunderstandings quickly and well.
This time we actually dove into some Shadow Work, and were enriched and illuminated by sharing each other’s experiences. I worked with my “Bossy Bessie” and “Judgemental Jerald” parts, and Lisl looked at two of her parts. No longer isolated and repressed, these parts now have a home in our hearts and souls.
Good vibrations indeed: relaxation, acceptance, wisdom. The Willamette Valley is full of good vibrations: the scenic bikeway, the rich history, the flora and fauna, the parks, the peace, the flow. And oh, the wonderful naps we took! And the food we enjoyed! How do you notice the vibrations in your body and psyche?
Of course there are other vibrations as well: serious flooding, the usual clashes with settles and first nations, near extermination of beaver… are part and parcel of the whole picture. The article reminds us that “Lower frequency vibrations are not bad in a moral sense, but they are bad in the sense that they simply don’t feel good. Still, they have a purpose, which is to alert us to the fact that we are blocking out the higher frequency vibrations that we need to function well…” …to be able to be with, and to take appropriate action in the face of challenges — personal, political, environmental… Easier said than done, but good to acknowledge. And to remember that acceptance doesn’t mean condoning…
When I check in, I can literally feel a kind of buzz at times… agitation, hectic, (too) busy doing, discontent… This vibration can be kind of metallic, harsh, rough. When I bring Presence to the moment, notice, don’t react, I can feel these vibrations settle…start to dissipate, slow down. And if I focus on someone I love, the soft waving of the Copper Beech out my window, the colours of Rhododendrons still in bloom, the taste of the Water Kefir I have started making and enjoying…. then I feel other vibrations: pleasure, relaxation, gratitude.
How about you? What vibrations do you notice? How do you respond? I’d love to hear?
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, andgrowth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Follow me on Twitter, let’s be friends on Facebook.