Hate Can Not Drive Out Hate
“Hate can not drive out hate…” Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “…only love can do that.” In the face of the horrific events in the middle east (and several other places), it seems important to remember this truth, and to honour those risking life and limb to help and love and care through these heart-rending...

Radical Gratitude Attitude
Very soon a number of us will celebrate Thanksgiving, an opportunity for a Radical Gratitude Attitude :-). Whether you feast with family, or not, I wish you a sweet time, meaningful connections, good food, and warmth, inside and out. For all of us, there is no time where giving thanks is not appropriate and transformative,...

What Does It Mean To Be Real?
What does it mean to be real? This question, a classic one indeed, and one at the heart of the children’s classic (just beloved by adults), came to my attention again on the anniversary of publication of The Velveteen Rabbit. NPR has a thoughtful, inspiring article, which I recommend: As ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’ turns 100, its message...
When In Doubt, Choose to Love
When in doubt, Choose to Love. There are so many things to say about Love that my heart starts to beat faster as I even think about sharing on this deep topic. Love, loving, choosing love…has actually come my way not only through the classic, inspiring Beatles song, All You Need is Love, (which was a smash hit right in the middle...

What About Love?
Yes, what about Love? We just passed Valentine’s Day, and I chose to send out a message about the Lunar/Chinese New Year, with this amazing picture, instead of a Valentine message. Love wasn’t on top right then for me, with all the chaos of January and February this year…. although, come to think about it,...