It’s May 1… In the Celtic calendar the day is called Beltaine, and is one of the Cross Quarter Days, halfway between Spring Equinox, and Summer Solstice, the height of Spring. Time to celebrate! Enjoy! Right?
Easier said than done, sometimes.
What’s been coming up for me is the challenge of “holding it all”: the glory of spring, rebirth, blooming, and the ups and downs of aging; the thrill of having a women approaching the highest office in the US, and the absurdist horrors of the campaign; the horrendous situation of refugees around the world, and the heartwarming stories of their being welcomed and offered a new life on many places; the wonders and blessings of having a body and being alive, and the troubles and tribulations when things don’t work right, and aren’t easy to fix! Just to name a few of countless extremes and counterbalances that we juggle…
A friend whom I met through a contemporary spiritual path that has opened new doors for me,
Trillium Awakening, is finding that the teachings of
Matt Kahn are speaking to her, helping her with contrasts, contractions, and contradictions.
A key dimension of Matt’s message is simple, if not easy: “Whatever arises, love that.” He talks about a Love Revolution. (It puts me in mind of the song I learned at Unity, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me…“) Start loving, now, and start at home. A core part of the message is that when we start at home, loving ourselves, we create a safe space, and nothing outside can violate this deep safety.
Don’t take my word for any of this, because I’m new to Matt and his work. But he’s making waves right now, and you might like to check it out. Here’s a youtube talk as an intro.
I’ve liked, lived, and written about the metaphor of Life as a Schoolhouse… (BECOMING:Journeying Toward Authenticity, Living Lessons). Everything that comes our way, all the challenges and perceived difficulties and hardships — mental, emotional, physical, spiritual — can be seen as opportunities for growth and learning. What is more, it often seems as though we keep getting the same lesson handed to us again and again, until we “get it”. This is consistent with what Matt is teaching and living. Everything that arises in our world, is an opportunity to learn, grow, move toward, and become Love.

Currently I’m dealing with another bout of TMS pain, this time in my gluts and thighs! (Don’t worry! This is familiar and a cool heads up to look at my shadow side. Ya’ never know where it’s going to pop up. Read all about this in My Dance with Pain. It might resonate with you!) I have found that loving the pain, relaxing into it, is as useful and helpful as most anything. 🙂 Love the pain. Open to it like a flower in spring. Wow.
In this blooming time of year, may your life open wide, may you love yourselves, see and feel love all around, and offer love up to the universe as a most glorious gift.
And while we’re at it, let’s honour the workers of the world, who celebrate May 1 as well.
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, and growth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Your feedback is most welcome.
1 comment
Gloria says:
May 1, 2016
A resounding yes from me…