After the red rocks of Utah, we are now among the mountains and rivers of Wyoming. It continues to be an adventure, seeing the plants and animals, the Jackson rodeo, floating the roaring Snake River, with Nick and Lilly, and experiencing them together. On seeing the stunning Magpie, Nick, who is fascinated by whales, said, “Look, an Orca bird!” 🙂
The wildlife and flowers have been glorious and uplifting. I remember the morning, at a campsite with a view of the Wind River Range of the Rockies, and overlooking a river where we saw a moose cow grazing, Nick said, “Grandma Jill, look here. See this cushion of flowers.” We bent down together to study a microcosm, literally a cushion of teeny plants, exquisite white and purple blossoms, fit for a fairy king or queen to sit upon.
I’ve only been traveling along for less than a week, yet our wild sitings have been wondrous and thrilling. I hope to create a complete compilation, but for now, since it’s late, may it suffice to list what we enjoyed on our evening float of the rushing, gushing Snake River: white pelicans, bald eagles and nests, mergansers with little ones, kingfishers, cliff swallows, water ouzels, ospreys and nests, canada geese with goslings, teals, mallards, and a glimpse of a fox! The Snake River is way full, carrying 7 times as much water as it does at its normal capacity, and we were glad to be safe in the hands of an experienced guide.
Tomorrow we head north toward Jenny Lake and Yellowstone, and may be without internet connection for some time. Be well, do good work, and stay in touch!
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume.
Kathy Barnhart says:
Jun 18, 2011
Hi Jill,
Sounds like you’re having a marvelous time on your trip. Lucky, lucky you! We’re hoping to do parts of your trip later in the summer in our van.
Your excitement about the flora and fauna is large, and I share it. I spent several hours the other day taking photos of some young foxes who have a den in the Tilden Botanical Garden in Berkeley! It was the same kind of thrill, even though these foxes are more used to people than they should be.
Love and hugs back to you,
Jill Schroder says:
Jun 22, 2011
Your fox adventure sounds exciting. We saw a fox just as we were heading for our float on the Snake River, as I may have said. Seeing the young bison and elk is heartwarming too. June is a lovely time of year! Love, blessings, Jill
Journeying again « BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity says:
Jul 20, 2011
[…] grand animals we encountered (Bison, Elk, Moose, Prong-horned Antelope, Red Fox, Bear… in Wild Wonders), and also those on our Snake River float trip (White Pelicans, Merganser families, Great Blue […]