Super Blue Blood Moon!
The evening of January 31st some lucky ones of us will witness a Super Blue Blood Moon. It will be total lunar eclipse as well. Here’s the scoop on this! Let’s take a moment to stop and drop into wonder and awe for our many glorious, intriguing celestial experiences. I’ve always had a special place...

In Praise of Awe
When I look at the night sky and am present, I am flooded, opened, and transformed by awe. Praising awe: I am deeply touched, life is full, I am part of something larger, glorious, mysterious. It is a rich and nourishes my soul and spirit. I love it. It doesn’t even necessarily need to be something...

Spunky skunks!
Last night Mike and I witnessed a spectacle of nature. We were heading out at dusk, to mail a letter, enjoy the sunset, and check out the Stanley Park Open tennis tournament, which offers excellent tennis about half a block from our apartment. Well, by the time we made it over to the courts, the...
Wild Wonders
After the red rocks of Utah, we are now among the mountains and rivers of Wyoming. It continues to be an adventure, seeing the plants and animals, the Jackson rodeo, floating the roaring Snake River, with Nick and Lilly, and experiencing them together. On seeing the stunning Magpie, Nick, who is fascinated by whales, said, “Look,...