How can we live out loud the language of love? Let us count the ways. So many horrific, inspiring, catastrophic, compassionate events have happened in the last year, the last months, the last days that I don’t feel willing or able to try to say anything original about what has transpired. But I am drawn to share this with you.
I feel at times despair, and at other times cautious optimism that we may now be sufficiently cracked open to make real and lasting change… at least that we are embarking step-by-step on that long journey. Here is a non-hierarchal, and by no means inclusive, selection of some of the sites, words, and images that have deeply affected, impressed, edified and inspired me.
Oprah chose Caste: The Origins of our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson for her book club selection. Caste is award winning and highly worthwhile, and there is also a series of podcasts that I highly recommend. These eight sessions have touched me more deeply than I can describe, leaving me feeling by turns stunned, horrified, uplifted, terrified, encouraged. Racism, inclusion, inequality, justice.
I was also deeply moved by long letter in response to a question Rex Murphy, a Canadian commentator and author, asked the public whether there is really racism in Canada. Well, yes, there is. This letter is compelling.
Lies have featured very large in politics south of the border, and that is not the only place. An article which appeared in the Scientific American really opened my eyes. It is called How the Science of “Blue Lies” Mayb Explain Trumps Support. Encouragingly, if not surprisingly, part of the solution is that we must appeal to the best in one another. If you find this interesting, check out this more detailed version, in the Berkeley Greater Good Science Magazine. Very illuminating and thought provoking.
I was interested to learn that there is a Black Lives Matter movement here in Canada. Here is a Talkeasy podcast. Sam Fragaso interviews Janaya Future Khan: the co-founder of Black Lives matter, Toronto. A quote:” “Activism Is nothing less than The Work of Being Alive. “If you are not using your pain, your pain is using you,”
I found this opinion piece by Issac Bailey on CNN showing and commenting on that fact that it was black workers who were cleaning up after the attack on the Capitol, poignant and informative.
What can we do now? Responses, contribution, the beginning of change and solutions. Again the Berkeley Great Good Science newsletter. American context, but much can be directly applied in and to our lives wherever we reside. I love the section that talks about cultivating awe. And I would add, believing in prayer and miracles.
Apropos awe, have a look at this, a photo series of things microscopic, in The Atlantic magazine. Apropos miracles: here is an interview with Jessica Didd that touched and inspired me.
I conclude with one of my favourite things for me that came out of the November election. It was posted in October, and the rest is history, one could say. QUEENBV59 TELLS PEOPLE TO VOTE AND “GET YOUR JUSH” IN HILARIOUS VIRAL VIDEO! If you don’t know about “Jush”, check this out. 🙂

Onward and hopefully upward. Let us be willing to live out loud the language of love, do what we can, share, contribute — and believe in miracles.
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, andgrowth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Follow me on Twitter, let’s be friends on Facebook. 🙂