It’s March 8 again, International Women’s Day. Choose to Challenge! This year I want this moving, arousing, startling, inspiring video to be one of my contributions to celebrating IWD. I also love the title: “While the World has been distracted by those resistant to change and challenge, change has been happening anyway!”
Let’s celebrate and honour those who have worked indefatigably, and those who have, as they’ve been able, to bring us, all, to this point. For when women are involved in decision making and governance, things change for the better for all.

Browsing current information on International Women’s Day, I came across this website and was immediately drawn to the invocation, Choose to Challenge (#ChooseToChallenge if you’re into social media, here it is on Twitter. Also check out #IWD2021. )
I remember a slick but dubious cigarette ad that was prevalent when I was growing up, You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby The history on the site is worth reviewing, and rings many bells for me. While it is resoundingly true that we have come a long way, we already had in 1971, and the march has continued, much more remains to be done, and we can definitely embrace the challenge. Celebrate International Women’s Day: Choose to Challenge:
“No more stigma.
No more silence.
No more stereotypes.
No more discrimination.
No more systematic barriers.
No more harmful gender norms.
No more violence against women and girls.
It’s time to make women’s rights and gender equality a reality.“
Let’s do it. Each in our own way, joining together, rejoice and dig in!

Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, andgrowth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Follow me on Twitter, let’s be friends on Facebook 🙂