Posts tagged "gratitude"
Celebrate Earth Day with Gratitude and Action!

Celebrate Earth Day with Gratitude and Action!

It’s Earth Day.  And a glorious day it is here on the west coast.  The leaves are in that magical state of opening that maximizes the luminous, bright greens.  I’m dazzled as the light shines on and through the partially opened leaves to the blossoms and ground below.  The herons are busy nesting in their...
Reflection and Change

Reflection and Change

The end of the year is approaching —  a new one is waiting in the wings, ready to slide in and bring 2013 into our lives and awareness.  Even though we have celebrated Solstice and the days are now getting longer, I am grateful there are still plenty of short days, cozy evenings, twinkly light...

Radical Empathy

We are approaching holiday time, celebrated in many forms, cultures, and far flung countries. The message is typically about peace, good will, generosity, gratitude, giving.  At this same time inequality at home and abroad is breathtaking, and there is rising violence and unrest in numerous locations. How do we relate to this discrepancy?  How can...
Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Happiness...hmmm

Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Happiness…hmmm

In the kitchen this morning I was trying to take the plastic off a new organic yoghurt container, it didn’t come off smoothly, and I started to curse — aloud, since Mike was out for a while, off checking a neighbor’s mailbox.  And then I changed to laughter, caught by surprise and sheepishness at how...
On the road!

On the road!

We’ve been on the road four days now, and mostly have been dealing with challenges!  But we have managed about 120 km, and have met the nicest people, seen more of Quebec than we expected, gotten caught in quite a rainstorm, listened to Michelle Obama’s speech, heard the results of the Quebec election as they came in,...