Posts tagged "gratitude"


I was touched by this piece by a friend and colleague, Julia Menard.  I forward it here in the hopes that you will enjoy it as well.  Perhaps it will put you in touch with a time your breath was taken away.   As you reflect on this memorable moment in your life, take a...
Hono(u)r Your Mother, Empower Another!

Hono(u)r Your Mother, Empower Another!

This is a special week for me, and for many of you too — Sunday is Mother’s Day, and on Wednesday and Thursday, Mike and I have our birthdays.  For me it’s a big one, Seven Oh :-), and I’ve been celebrating it for months now!   Another piece is that when I was born, 70...

Make a Joyful Noise!

Just recently we had our annual Christmas Choir Concert.  An inspiring feature this year was singing the Gloria, from Schubert’s Mass in A Flat.  Do go listen to at least the first few minutes.  The message is rich and timeless:  “Glory to God, and on Earth, Peace and Good Will to All.” Whether you honor G(g)od,...

Holding It All…

Over the last couple of days I have immersed myself in the NOVA series called The Elegant Universe, and capped it off with a recent episode entitled The Fabric of the Cosmos, all about String Theory and Quantum Mechanics, as intrepreted in Brian Greene’s book by the same name.  Oh m’gosh, do we live in a fantastic universe! I don’t want to...

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

This past weekend Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving.  It has taken me a while to accept the second weekend in October as the date for this fine event, but I have come to feel that the season of harvest fullness is every bit as appropriate, no, actually much more appropriate, than dreary and soggy, late November!  We...