Posts tagged "Becoming"

Where We Want to Go — We are already there!

“The lesson which life repeats and constantly enforces is ‘look under foot.’ You are always nearer the divine and the true sources of your power than you think.” John Burroughs “If we are not totally blind, that which we are seeking is already here. This is it.” Alan Watts One essay in BECOMING is entitled...

Warmhearted praise.. add your voice? That would be lovely!

“We’re all in this together — by ourselves.:  Lily Tomlin People reading my new book, Becoming, are warm in their enthusiasm and praise, which leads me to have the courage to spread the word.  I think you would enjoy the read.   I invite you to check it out! Becoming is available at Duthie Books...

Introducing Becoming

The book I have been working on for the past couple of years (it’s my first), is fresh back from the printer! It’s called Becoming: Journeying toward Authenticityand creating it has been a rich and rewarding project. It is published by a new, independent, Vancouver publisher: The Write Room Press.I invite you to have a...