Posts tagged "Becoming"

Urgent and Exciting!

       The post could also be called Connecting the Dots, or What Can We Do?  In it I want to share my enthusiasm, concern, excitement, for what’s happening, as well as some awesome and inspiring links relating to these pressing issues. I also urge you to engage with these movements in any ways...


Today is my dad’s birthday.  He would have been 97.  He died when he was 61. (My mom told me she said, to herself, over and over, after becoming a widow at 59, “61 is just too young.” My dad died of a heart attack while visiting friends at their ranch, miles and miles from...

Slotting and Flowing

It’s now five weeks after my stroke.  Physically I am fully recovered, miracle of miracles, and what huge blessing.  Still, I can well believe that my body is intrinsically aware of the event that happened on August 6, early in the morning.  And so, for example, I am allowing myself more little naps; and more...

Highlights and Insights

So magical, yet so very ordinary and earthy.  Eminently practical, matter of fact, and at the same time, absolutely miraculous… that’s the way it was on my kayak trip, and has been as my stroke recovery progressed. Relishing and absorbing the richness of intertidal life while drifting along in a kayak; or lying quietly and...

Three Big Ms!!!

Here we are, after solstice and the holidays, and just into the new year… I love this time as an opportunity to reflect and settle — looking back, looking forward, and still, being right here, now; relishing the long, cozy evenings, taking time for tea and quiet. I hope this time has been rewarding and...