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The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity struck me recently.  I liked the phrase, the alliteration, the effect on me when I read and said it!   “But what about all the horrors”, you may say…”the tragedies, the innocent suffering in the world.  Be positive about all that?”  Emphatically NO.  The power of positivity is not about being a Pollyanna and...
Forgiveness and Flow

Forgiveness and Flow

Background: Forgiveness and flow.  I recently wrote about Accepting the Unacceptable, how when I was able to stop resisting the mind-rattling, bone-shattering off-road driving on a recent trip, I actually came to enjoy, and even find some benefits in the rough rides!  When a situation is uncomfortable, painful or hurtful, it only too easy and tempting to feel self-righteous,...
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Hate Can Not Drive Out Hate

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