Tuning In to Subtlety
Summer is a glorious time indeed, exuberant, light, upwelling. I love looking out my window to the Red Beech tree that has grown all the way up to our 12th floor abode; love seeing the leaves dance in the sunlight, hear them whisper with the wind. Yet in August, especially after such dry weather as we’ve had,...
Cosmic Algebra: Being Divinely Human
Recently I had the pleasure and richness of attending a retreat at the IONS Earthrise center north of San Francisco. We enjoyed the full moon, and witnessed the uncommon and alignment of Jupiter and Venus with stunning clear skies. Click to enlarge this second picture and you can actually see both planets! It was my first...
Line Dancing
Recently I have felt the push-pull of the good news-bad news that surrounds us, and can easily drop into overwhelm… It seems to me kinda like walking a tight rope: I want to be careful not to fall into the slough of despair and despond on the one side, as I feel into all the scary and alarming...