Watch for Mud!
Watch for mud! A couple of weeks ago I was rollerblading around our glorious Stanley Park. It was sure to be the last blade for the fall, because there had been wind and wild weather and I expected there would be some leaves and sticks down, and, indeed, this was true. Parts of the trail...
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day invites reflection and celebration about who and where we are today, at home and around the world, on the status of women, gender issues, respect, equality… Here are a few musings that come to mind for me. Enjoy, share, add your own. Here’s a Canadian perspective: Each year, March 8 is an opportunity...
Reflection Leads to Connection
I remember that most years I have relished Advent. After all, Adventus, the Latin root our the word, means “coming.” On reflection, I can feel into the expectant waiting, the pleasures, the promises of the coming weeks. This year there seems to be so much craziness in the world, the political weirdness added unto the commercial...
Line Dancing
Recently I have felt the push-pull of the good news-bad news that surrounds us, and can easily drop into overwhelm… It seems to me kinda like walking a tight rope: I want to be careful not to fall into the slough of despair and despond on the one side, as I feel into all the scary and alarming...