Posts tagged "positive thinking"
Let Us Take Time Together!

Let Us Take Time Together!

Let us take time together, amidst and acknowledging the chaos and challenges happening in our world, to celebrate the flow and unfolding of life, the seasons, the glory of the sun, stars, and planets.  Here is an inspiring Story of the Universe by Wendell Berry, actually about the unfolding of the Cosmos!!  Perfect to start off the...
Giving Thanks for People Who Have Been Important in our Lives

Giving Thanks for People Who Have Been Important in our Lives

Giving thanks for people who been important in our lives seems a fitting theme for season of Canadian Thanksgiving, and the coming of All Saint’s Day and Hallowe’en.    The person you choose to remember could be alive or have died; could be a parent, grand-, a teacher, preacher, good friend — someone who made...
Curiosity leads to Awe, then to The Mystery!

Curiosity leads to Awe, then to The Mystery!

When I came across this inspirational quote from Einstein, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when one contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life,  of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries to comprehend only...