I was touched by this piece by a friend and colleague, Julia Menard. I forward it here in the hopes that you will enjoy it as well. Perhaps it will put you in touch with a time your breath was taken away. As you reflect on this memorable moment in your life, take a...
Slotting and Flowing
It’s now five weeks after my stroke. Physically I am fully recovered, miracle of miracles, and what huge blessing. Still, I can well believe that my body is intrinsically aware of the event that happened on August 6, early in the morning. And so, for example, I am allowing myself more little naps; and more...
Gardens, Gifts, and Butterflies
“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” Elizabeth Lawrence It’s spring at last, on the calendar, but also in our hearts and in the air, as well as in our gardens — a time of rejuvenation, birth,...
Joy and celebration are life-giving. Shall We Dance?
Not long ago I heard a CBC program that focussed on the importance of celebrations — music, dance, both alone and together. My heart smiled! Ecstatic dancing has actually been a way communities have helped their members out of depression — dark periods of withdrawal, melancholy. Several of the essays in BECOMING explore metaphors for...
Telling our stories: Part 2
If you’d like to order Becoming now, just go to The Write Room New Titles. You won’t regret it! We are continually choosing filters and frames for our lives, whether we know and acknowledge it or not. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating or minimizing the power of stories: they resonate throughout our whole being....