Radical Gratitude Attitude
Very soon a number of us will celebrate Thanksgiving, an opportunity for a Radical Gratitude Attitude :-). Whether you feast with family, or not, I wish you a sweet time, meaningful connections, good food, and warmth, inside and out. For all of us, there is no time where giving thanks is not appropriate and transformative,...

Happiness Is An Inside Job
Happiness is an inside job. Really? Here’s my backstory. When my grandkids turned six, I gave each of them what we called at “Tree Book” — a little book actually made of wood, which seemed appropriate because the idea was to have a place to record sayings and experiences that would help us grow, like...

Loving the Mystery
It’s mid February, and Love comes to mind, and heart! Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂 And if you’re not big on that commercialized holiday, then I’d invite you to reflect on how Love features in your life — now, and at times past. What would you wish for the future? In recent weeks I have had...

Happy? Happy… Happy!!!
The theme of Happiness has been popping up (like popcorn!) in the last while. In his most basic teachings the Dalai Lama says, ” All human beings are the same. “We all want happiness and do not want suffering.” Well yes, we might say, but what is happiness, where does it come from…We can’t buy it, but...

Separate Realities!
My women’s group meets tonight and we are discussing a short and eminently readable book called You Can Be Happy No Matter What: Five Principles for Keeping Life in Perspective. The author, Richard Carlson, is the fellow who brought us, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…And It’s All Small Stuff” I highly recommend both books. While...