What’s in a Word?
What’s in a word? I LOVE words… have done for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid I apparently memorized poems, songs… learned ‘em at kindergarten, or from the nanny next door, and would come home and recite them with great gusto to my parents. (I don’t actually remember this, but...
Sometimes You Can’t Hardly Tell…
Sometimes You Can’t Hardly Tell What to Least Expect the Most! I learned this phrase from my husband’s youngest brother. It’s a gem,eh? I love the grammar, but mostly the find the sentiment really evocative — the not knowing, giving up being in charge, just being open to what arises… lots of good stuff 🙂...
News Headlines Give Me a Headache!
I’m doing pretty well in my personal life — generally a reasonably healthy and rich balance, joy, connections, commitment. Many inner and outer resources are available to deal with challenges. But oh my goodness, news headlines give me a headache… and a heartache…and a bellyache! I hardly even read the news these days, but enough...
Who’s in Charge?
Not long ago I inquired into the differences and comparisons, not to say conflict, between my brain and my heart. It moved me to tears, and I want to share some of the insights, in hopes they might speak to you as well. I started by owning that for me, my brain is the safe place...
Matters of the Heart
It seems like The Heart has been up for me for some time now — a year or more. I want to honor this and deepen it by writing and sharing some of my experiences, thoughts, doubts, openings…heart matters. When I first started personal work, in my 40ies, I became painfully aware that I had...