Midnight Mind – Monkey Mind
Midnight mind, monkey mind, is what I’m calling the tendency, often obsessive, to ruminate, to work it, turn it, trouble it, to try to untangle and only make the tangle worse. And by “it”, I mean some perceived (or real) threat, danger, situation over which we have little or no control, and where there are...

Searching for Benevolence
I often find myself wondering about the deep nature of reality, and ultimately searching for benevolence, I could even say longing for it. Musing further on the question of good and evil, I sometimes ask myself how and where is goodness, benevolence to be found? Hmmm, what do actually I mean by that? Well, many spiritual...

Connections, Insights, Worry
Worry? I am just back from a wonderful family vacation… multifaceted, rich, sweet, full of warm connections, poignant and funny stories, several profound insights. What a grand and amazing thing it is to be human! How lucky we are for this astounding opportunity! You may have seen some photos on Facebook or gotten some texts about...

Discovery: The Vehicle I Drive Makes All the Difference
A few days ago I had a “confrontation” with my husband that led to an exciting discovery. (It was not our first “run in”, and surely not the last, but it was transformative — certainly for me, and also for us… The chance to look at myself from the outside was most illuminating!) What was the discovery?...