Posts tagged "celebrate"
Hot Off the Press About Exercise!

Hot Off the Press About Exercise!

This is a red letter day for all of us who would like to live our lives (however long they may be), remaining as fit and functional as possible.  Here’s the scoop: At a Fitness Trainers update and Pro D day over the weekend, one speaker on healthy aging offered this current thinking: while genes...

Home Harvest Farms Yippee!

This is a promotional piece — unabashedly so.  I’d like to tell you about a fresh-on-the-market product, the HOME HARVEST FARM (HHF), developed by Philip Be’er, a very spiritual and very green guy 🙂 It was my pleasure to participate in a video  that Philip created, with Lazarina Todorova, a committed and talented good-causes filmmaker.  Have...


LOCAL NEW INDEPENDENT PRESS LAUNCHES FIRST TITLE The Write Room Press, a local independent and non-fiction publishing press will launch its first title this Saturday, May 9, at 4:00 p.m. at the YWCA Hotel downtown Vancouver. Vancouver resident Jill Schroder is the author of the Write Room Press’ first title, Becoming. John Davis, Professor at Naropa University says, 
”This book gleans...