Posts tagged "camping"
Serene Solitude Supports

Serene Solitude Supports

Serene solitude supports…  sublime silky silence sustains…  I love the soft sibilance of these sounds, which still satisfy me, as I bask in the afterglow of my annual camping trip with women friends.  This year we were way away from it all, and it was nourishing, rejuvenating, restorative, heart and eye-opening. I am not a...


It’s not long ago that we were 10 strong, here in our apartment in Vancouver, then in Bellingham… and we did a lot of celebrating!  When I am in a celebratory mode or mood, wonderful things happen, and/or most whatever happens is wonderful. Celebrating is closely akin to joy.  It’s not always ‘on top’, of...
Down west in Virginia, approaching Tennessee

Down west in Virginia, approaching Tennessee

We thought tonight’s campsite would be close to Marion, VA where there is a library, (that’s where we are now), but turns out the campsite is 6 miles down the road and there’s a stiff headwind, so we only have a few minutes here.  But better a short update that none.  I had so much...