Thoughts and Attention...What's the Diff, and Who Cares?

Thoughts and Attention…What’s the Diff, and Who Cares?

Thoughts and attention…what’s the diff and who cares?  Well, the difference is subtle, but so significant, as to be, in my experience, life changing. I’d like to invite your attention to a wonderful organization called the ToDo Institute.   They pay a lot of attention to attention at ToDo, and offer rich and transformative courses, and live...
Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness is an inside job. Really?  Here’s my backstory.  When my grandkids turned six, I gave each of them what we called at “Tree Book” — a little book actually made of wood, which seemed appropriate because the idea was to have a place to record sayings and experiences that would help us grow, like...
What Does It Mean To Be Real?

What Does It Mean To Be Real?

What does it mean to be real?  This question, a classic one indeed, and one at the heart of the children’s classic (just beloved by adults), came to my attention again on the anniversary of publication of The Velveteen Rabbit.  NPR has a thoughtful, inspiring article, which I recommend: As ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’ turns 100, its message...
You Must Be Present to Win!

You Must Be Present to Win!

You must be present to win! It’s April 1 as I write this, and while that’s not a meant as a joke, it seemed a good way to welcome the new month. The quote is a citation from a beloved Buddhist meditation teacher, Jack Kornfield. He reports seeing a sign outside of casino in Las...
International Women's Day: Little Things Matter

International Women’s Day: Little Things Matter

Today we celebrate International Women’s Day. Little Things Matter. I just received a lovely card from a friend reminding me, and I’d like to remind us all (actually whether we are women or men), to celebrate ourselves, our lives, the stunning opportunity that we have, simply being here on this glorious, precious planet. I’ve been...