Questions of worth and value: What about deserving? Much of my life I have, I think “struggled” is not too strong a word, with the question of worthiness: Am I OK? Am I doing enough? Am I enough? How do I know? And one could even ask, Do I deserve the gifts I have received?
Pondering these questions and topics has been ongoing grist for my growth: personal, professional, spiritual. As a larger context for exploring these issues today, I want to share that I am truly grateful, and feel feel blessed for and by all the teachers and teachings that have showed up, sometimes at the perfect moment, along my journey.
When I came across an article recently offering a resolution to the question of deserving, or being of value or worth, my heart sang. Check out this profound and provocative issue of the DailyOM: Shifting Into Gratitude. I treasure the quote: “The question of whether anyone we, or anyone else, deserve something is not really in our jurisdiction…simply shift(ing) into a state of gratitude, bypasses the question of worthiness altogether.”
We just can’t comprehend the questions of worth and deserving at the ordinary level we usually inhabit. As a skillful means, let’s try this: when I/we receive a gift; health, good fortune, wonderful friendship, things turning out just right… and I/we experience some question of deserving, “enoughness” or unworthiness arising, let’s drop into a deep feeling of gratitude. I feel like dancing :-), and find that the universe is completely different — miraculous!
In conclusion, I would like to share a story of a young women in Brazil who was born without arms. Instead of asking, Why me, or what am I worth?, she has pursued an incredible life and career in dance, a testimony to human resilience and accepting this one precious life as/and the miraculous gift it is! Check this out: “We can do anything but give up.“
Questions of worth and value: What about deserving? indeed! How does tall this grab you? I’d love to hear your response and experience. We’re in this together.
Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity. BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, and growth. Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume. Your feedback, forwards, tweets, likes are most welcome. We’re in this together! 🙂