Something I treasure in these days ‘between the years’ (which is what the week between Christmas and New Year is called in German speaking countries), is reflecting on the year just past, and filling up a couple of pages with things I am grateful for: time with children and grandchildren, health, the Canadian medical system, the newly formed Wild Salmon Circle which I co-founded; the celebratory launch of my new book and the heartwarming praise readers have bestowed on it; for the many positive directions Obama has taken the country and the world…
Then, after basking in this richness, for gratitude is indeed transformative, I enjoy creating a list of goals — actually more like intentions — for the coming year. At this point, I like to review last year’s lists, and see which intentions have manifested, which are no longer relevant, which I might like to recommit to. For the notes I make at year end do not comprise a ‘should’ list, but rather are an invitation to the universe, and a declaration of my openness to move in these directions. I don’t really look at them as the year unfolds, but find it helpful and interesting to peruse them as I create next year’s.
I love this reflective process, this opening to a deeper place, a quiet self, settling in to a receptive mode… simply being…
As we cozy in for some more weeks of short days, and at the same time celebrate the return of the light and the coming of the new year, I offer this shared wish for you: “May the increased sunlight each day help you prepare for the coming year… And throughout the new year may you have new opportunities to love and be loved, to do good for others, and to find happiness in your life.” Quote from Jane’s brother, Steve 🙂