The Power of Positivity
The Power of Positivity struck me recently. I liked the phrase, the alliteration, the effect on me when I read and said it! “But what about all the horrors”, you may say…”the tragedies, the innocent suffering in the world. Be positive about all that?” Emphatically NO. The power of positivity is not about being a Pollyanna and...
Thoughts about Thinking. Thinking about Thoughts.
Thoughts about Thinking. Thinking about Thoughts. What do you think? :-). A recent Seasonal Note focussed on the importance of our words and thoughts: how they affect us personally — physically, mentally, emotionally — and how they send out a wave of vibratory energy into the world, into the universe. So let us be aware, think and...
Thinking does NOT make it so!
Yesterday I delved into it (again!) …. the TMS pain that I still experience from time to time, and which I know to be psychological in origin although definitely physical in manifestation! I did my best, with help from a trusted teacher, on my own, and then talking with my partner, to look at current and possible root...