What’s in a game?
A regular part of our morning routine, Mike’s and mine, is a game of Cribbage over breakfast. As we were playing the other day, I mused over the ways the game is a microcosm or metaphor… for what? Might I even say life? Let’s play with that a little. First of all, and I quote: “Cribbage affords players...
Radical Empathy
We are approaching holiday time, celebrated in many forms, cultures, and far flung countries. The message is typically about peace, good will, generosity, gratitude, giving. At this same time inequality at home and abroad is breathtaking, and there is rising violence and unrest in numerous locations. How do we relate to this discrepancy? How can...

My Dance with Pain
Since I wrote about the aftermath of the slip and fall on ice with my granddaughter Lilly while visiting snowy Austria in January (Pain and Gain), I feel as though I have been dancing with pain — trying out and learning many different steps. It seems hard to believe that it’s been just a few...

Pain and Gain
One of the pleasures of my trip to Austria, besides the glorious, exhilarating snowfall we had, was taking grandkids Lilly and Nick to school in the morning. The next to last day however, as Lilly and I were navigating down the steep hill to her Kindergarten, I slipped on a patch of ice. Since we...
Circles of Awareness
I am pleased to tell you that we have added a new tab on the BECOMING website, Therapy and Counselling. I would like to thank Kathy Barnhart, marriage and family therapist (and talented photographer!), Toni Pieroni, registered counselor and Imago therapist, and Larry Butler, hypnotherapist and webmaster, all dear friends of mine — Kathy for...