The Stories We Tell Ourselves Matter a Lot
The stories we tell ourselves matter a lot. They make a huge difference in our own lives…whether the story is about the universe itself, our place in the Universe, about the planet, about our lives, who we are and what we’re here for…or whether the stories are just for fun. The stories we tell ourselves...
Stories We Tell
The stories we tell…thereby by hangs a tale! 🙂 So many learnings, so many contexts, so many teachings come to mind when I think about “the stories we tell”. The inspiration for this post was a talk by Kurt Vonnegut, about the Shape of Stories. Listening to Kurt, whom I find mildly curmudgeonly, but also warmly avuncular...
What’s Your Story?
What if Einstein was wrong? “The world is made up of stories, not atoms.” Poet Muriel Rukeyser once said just this! So what’s your story? Here are a few points to ponder, enjoy, laugh about, share… as we consider stories, their importance, the role they play in our lives — and bring awareness to our personal answer to...
Baghead, Filet, and Sabre :-)
I mentioned in my last post that one story of transformation, one with personal appeal and meaning to me!, is where an octopus goes from being a villain to a celebrated hero. Here’s the skinny. My dad told my brother, Jim, and me, when we were little, an exciting story about an octopus named Baghead....
Stories of Transformation
Happy Easter, or Spring, or Passover, or whatever you like to celebrate in April as the world is transforming, out of the dark, sometimes dreary, sometimes cozy, envelope of winter, into the explosion of life and transformation that is spring! And Happy Birthday (in Japan) to Gautama, the Buddha, and also to the provocative novelist, Barbara...