Posts tagged "solstice"
Possible:  Conflict Revisited

Possible: Conflict Revisited

Possible: Conflict Revisited will be one theme for this post. But first, Summer Solstice is here!  I love the ring of it, the associations, the potential, the possibilities!  The sun is at the peak of its shining influence on our precious blue-green planet; it’s the longest day of the year, the slowest sunsets, and we enjoy...
Life is a Splendid Torch!

Life is a Splendid Torch!

It’s almost Summer Solstice,  Oh, my.  It did come very fast this year! I found myself thinking a few days ago, Gosh. The days are way toooo long!  (By that I meant the days seemed to slip away — it still seemed like afternoon and it was almost 9 pm!  I had planned a leisurely evening, reading,...
Turning Toward Love and Light

Turning Toward Love and Light

We are approaching the winter turning, the day where the sun at noon is at its lowest point over the horizon, then begins to gain altitude, slowly but steadily returning us earthlings to the light. And we’re coming to the end of 2012, a year which received wide press as a year of turning, challenges,...