Posts tagged "mystery"
Let Us Take Time Together!

Let Us Take Time Together!

Let us take time together, amidst and acknowledging the chaos and challenges happening in our world, to celebrate the flow and unfolding of life, the seasons, the glory of the sun, stars, and planets.  Here is an inspiring Story of the Universe by Wendell Berry, actually about the unfolding of the Cosmos!!  Perfect to start off the...
What's in a Word?

What’s in a Word?

What’s in a word?  I LOVE words… have done for as long as I can remember.  When I was a kid I apparently memorized poems, songs… learned ‘em at kindergarten, or from the nanny next door, and would come home and recite them with great gusto to my parents. (I don’t actually remember this, but...
Mystery: Embrace and Embody

Mystery: Embrace and Embody

What better way to start the new year than by reminding ourselves that life is a Mystery.  We can fight and struggle trying to understand and control everything, or we can embrace and embody the Mystery, live and celebrate it!  Some wise writers, mystics, and activists weigh in on the Mystery of life, and of living it, alone...
Perception Affects Reality

Perception Affects Reality

“The real voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes but in having new eyes.” —Marcel Proust  So how do we develop “new eyes”?  Well, have you ever heard of John Perkins?  He’s the fellow who wrote “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” and has recently come out with an update, “New Confessions…”. He...
Bloomin' Mystery!

Bloomin’ Mystery!

Earth Day is coming soon.  Well, except that every day is earth day!  How easy to celebrate it in the spring, when the earth brings and springs forth — blossoms, babies, bounty! Seeing these sweet duckings led me to reflect on the Mystery of life, of its unfolding, becoming… (I just love the process, the emergence, the dynamism...