Posts tagged "inspiration"
Blooming and Encouragement

Blooming and Encouragement

   …these two topics intertwine in my heart and soul as Spring Equinox approaches… a time of rebirth, growth, blossoming… And I want to share two links with you, to TED talks that touched me deeply, and speak of the aliveness, the vitality, the absolute awesomeness of our potential… Ron Finley is a guerilla gardener...
Creativity -- Metalmorphosis!

Creativity — Metalmorphosis!

Last Saturday we went south to join family and grandkids for an outing to the Bellingham Technical College‘s 2012 Welding Rodeo.  Now that’s not an event I would have chosen on my own, but one of Mike’s sons is a welder — Jeff fabricates steel and aluminum into impressive objects.  We’ve talked about some of the...
Dance! There's No Tomorrow!

Dance! There’s No Tomorrow!

Today is May Day, half way between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, also called Beltane. What better way to celebrate this ebullient and delicious turning than to Dance!  I started to write Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow! but then I thought better, and left out the ‘Like’, because there IS no tomorrow, there’s only today! A...
Update: Perfection and Projects

Update: Perfection and Projects

This morning I listened to a talk by Peter Baumann on Terry Patton’s inspiring Beyond Awakening Series.  This is a free series, with a host of luminaries as guest speakers, about the evolution of human consciousness, the future of spiritual practice, and a rich array of related topics. I bring this series to your attention in...

Stories of Transformation

Happy Easter, or Spring, or Passover, or whatever you like to celebrate in April as the world is transforming, out of the dark, sometimes dreary, sometimes cozy, envelope of winter, into the explosion of life and transformation that is spring! And Happy Birthday (in Japan) to Gautama, the Buddha, and also to the provocative novelist, Barbara...