Posts tagged "fear"
What are we living: fear or hope?

What are we living: fear or hope?

It’s coming or already here: Advent, the holidays, the COP 24 meetings, Solstice, Hanukkah…   Life goes on, and our lives are unfolding, but how?  Put it this way: What are we living: fear or hope? Hope gets bad press in some spiritual circles — there are teachers who say hope flies in the face...
Fear, Fledging, Flying

Fear, Fledging, Flying

Fear, Fledging, Flying — this trilogy occurred to me as I was watching the “teen-age” Great Blue Herons in the colony just outside our window.  What incredible bodies they have!  To think they grow from an egg to all but full-sized in a couple of months!  I don’t know if herons feel fear.  But when...