Posts tagged "Deepak Chopra"
Skillful Means for Staying Sane

Skillful Means for Staying Sane

Skillful means for staying sane… this title occurred to me recently, now into our second week of Advent, and into almost a year of Covid, with the countless roller coaster restrictions and many people are at bending and breaking points, financially, physically, emotionally… and in many other ways.   Those of you reading this note,...
Stubborn in Our Gladness

Stubborn in Our Gladness

The world we live in, Life itself, is full of suffering — and of joy.  ‘Twas ever thus.  There has never been, and likely never will be, a time without egregious events.  How can we hold this? What’s certain is that if we focus only on the amount, variety, and horrendous ways suffering is inflicted and endured,...
Waking up

Waking up

What do you do when you first wake up in the morning?  How does it relate to living the kind of day you’d like to live, if at all :-)!?  I have several practices that I enjoy, and recently have learned another one I want to share with you.  I really like the effect it...