Posts tagged "change"
International Women's Day -- Inspiring Change!

International Women’s Day — Inspiring Change!

Today, March 8, is widely recognized as International Women’s Day. It’s telling that we mark such a day.  (Can you imagine International Men’s Day?)    It’s clearly worth celebrating how far women’s rights have come.  One could imagine a time when we can drop the day, since Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, as my blog post...
The Galloping Goose!

The Galloping Goose!

Tomorrow my daughter, Lisl, and I will head off for a week’s cycle trip on our own!  A first for us.  We will be B&Bing it, which will be a luxury. First leg will be in from the ferry on Vancouver island to Victoria, and then on to Sooke, which has a rich history, and...
Can We Change Reality?

Can We Change Reality?

“The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change it.”   —James Baldwin I love this quote!  One important component of my life is an ongoing exploration of what I understand Reality to be: it includes our amazing, aching,...