Loving the Mystery
It’s mid February, and Love comes to mind, and heart! Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂 And if you’re not big on that commercialized holiday, then I’d invite you to reflect on how Love features in your life — now, and at times past. What would you wish for the future? In recent weeks I have had...
Children — Oh, the children!
We have just enjoyed a number of family visits — reunions with far flung children and grandchildren, home visits with closer groups. The time together puts me in mind of the numerous ways that children influence and shape our lives. What are the ways you have found children to be formative, possibly transformative, in your...
Aligning with Love
“Love is extolled by poets, tawdry and brilliant alike. For songwriters it’s a near ubiquitous theme. Scarcely a bestselling book or film lacks a love interest. Mystics avow that ‘God is Love.’ The Beatles sing ‘All you need is love.’ No doubt about it, love is a biggie.” Thus begins the essay in BECOMING called...