Urgent and Exciting!
The post could also be called Connecting the Dots, or What Can We Do? In it I want to share my enthusiasm, concern, excitement, for what’s happening, as well as some awesome and inspiring links relating to these pressing issues. I also urge you to engage with these movements in any ways...
Passion, Risk, and Adventure
Themes addressed in Becoming include transformation, reinventing ourselves, control and surrender. Sara Lawrence Lightfoot talks about these topics as well in her new book THE THIRD CHAPTER: PASSION, RISK, AND ADVENTURE IN THE 25 YEARS AFTER 50. “All of us at this point, to some degree, are on a search for meaningfulness, for purposefulness,” she...
Look Underfoot
“The lesson which life repeats and constantly enforces is ‘look underfoot.’ You are always nearer the divine and the true sources of your power than you think.” John Burroughs How many of us took a moment today to ‘look underfoot’ for the divine? Was it a smile, a flower, a deep breath? BECOMING: Journeying Toward...