Posts tagged "planting"

Home Harvest Farms Yippee!

This is a promotional piece — unabashedly so.  I’d like to tell you about a fresh-on-the-market product, the HOME HARVEST FARM (HHF), developed by Philip Be’er, a very spiritual and very green guy 🙂 It was my pleasure to participate in a video  that Philip created, with Lazarina Todorova, a committed and talented good-causes filmmaker.  Have...

Planting and Flowering

Today we received and planted two Home Harvest Farms, elegant stainless steel structures created by a friend and entrepreneur Philip Be’er.  The visiting grandchildren and I then chocked them full of strawberry plants, lettuces, tomatoes, leeks, kale, marigolds, petunias, chard, cukes, peppers, and we’re even going to see if we can manage a zuchini! Here...

Gardens, Gifts, and Butterflies

“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.” Elizabeth Lawrence It’s spring at last, on the calendar, but also in our hearts and in the air, as well as in our gardens — a time of rejuvenation, birth,...