Posts tagged "personal growth"
Learning to Pause

Learning to Pause

”Learning to pause”, I say, because pausing absolutely does not come naturally to me.  I was abashed to discover years ago, early in my journey of self awareness and discovery, that in my family it wasn’t OK to rest…not acceptable to take a pause.  As long as there was somebody doing something  — the dishes, tidying, any...
Saying Yes Is Simple - Not Easy

Saying Yes Is Simple – Not Easy

Saying yes is simple – not easy. I know this from personal experience! How many times and ways have I heard similar messages: Don’t resist, what we resist persists, acceptance frees our energy, saying no blocks it.. again and again. Saying Yes to the Universe (now there’s the full meal deal, eh?), is the title...
Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness is an inside job. Really?  Here’s my backstory.  When my grandkids turned six, I gave each of them what we called at “Tree Book” — a little book actually made of wood, which seemed appropriate because the idea was to have a place to record sayings and experiences that would help us grow, like...
How Do We Create Balance in Our Lives?

How Do We Create Balance in Our Lives?

Balance has been very much on my mind these days.  How DO we/I create balance in our lives? At times it feels like a juggling act: balancing family, care of close ones, ones in needs, one’s body, service — locally and further afield, attention to what’s needed at home and in the wide world.  ...
Self-Loathing: Feeling It, Healing It!

Self-Loathing: Feeling It, Healing It!

The experience of Self-loathing is the pits! Well do I know. ‘Self-loathing is that underlying feeling that we are just not good: not good enough, not good at this, not good at that, not good at … . It can be subtle, we may …compare ourselves to others,…find fault with ourselves, put ourselves down, we may...