Unknown-1We have just celebrated International Women’s Day, and I am feeling grateful for the abundance of remarkable women in my life, and in the world.   Elizabeth May, the only Green Party member of the Canadian Parliament, just sent out a note about a “dream” she had, that she had become Prime Minister, and had appointed an all women cabinet! It was inspiring to read about the talent and the skill of the women she would choose.  Take a moment to think about the talent and the skill, the gifts and grace of the women in your life!  (Of course you can take in the wonderful men too!)

Then feel your heart.  Mine has opened, is soft and warm.  I feel it in my chest, and well beyond, all around my body.

Breathing and feeling into our hearts, while focussing on something positive, such as something for which we are grateful, is startlingly transformational.  There is mind-blowing, hard science that confirms this.

images-2Recently I have come across exciting new sources regarding what we know and understand about the heart — how loving ourselves, how being grateful, how tapping into our heart’s intelligence can heal and enliven us, and make untold and immeasurable positive differences in the whole, wide, world 🙂

Here are a few links and videos so you can follow up on these ideas if you’re interested, and I hope you are!  Ultimately it’s all about Love.

Have you ever heard of Tapping, aka EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique?  I have found this simple process to be deeply effective.  Check out this inspiring Tapping solutions clip to learn how Tapping has led to healing some of the most traumatic situations in people’s lives and around the world.  The core of the technique is “tapping into”, evoking and growing, our basic love and acceptance for ourselves, even in the face of pain, challenge, hurt — both physical and psychological.  It’s nothing short of miraculous.

Tying beautifully into these themes of healing, love and acceptance, come the Heart Math folks.  Established and cutting edge science tells us that the heart is sooooo much more than a physical muscle.  Enjoy and feel into four ways that the heart, brain and body communicate, and celebrate the wisdom and the potential for healing, growth, transformation.

So that your cup overfloweth, as mine did this morning after watching listening with my heart to these selections, here is a video on Gratitude — it opened my heart right up, tears of appreciation and connectedness were flowing…and I simply had to share it with you.  Love and Blessings abundant!

Jill Schroder is the author of BECOMING: Journeying Toward Authenticity.  BECOMING is an invitation for self-reflection, and to mine our memorable moments for insights, meaning, and growth.  Check the website for a sample chapter, or see the reviews to get a flavor for the volume.  Follow me on Twitter, let’s be friends on Facebook :-)



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